
Showing posts from April, 2022

Week 14 - A Different Kind of IT: Accessibility and Assistive Technology

 The rapid improvement in technology has brought many benefits for people who have different types of disabilities when it comes to using computers or driving cars. Examples would be screen readers, speech synthesizers, screen magnification, tactile mouses, etc. In this article, I will talk about Elon Musk's Neurolink project. Neuralink is one of the most striking projects of Elon Musk, who is one of the most talked-about names with the projects he has put forward in recent years. In this project, which aims to bring together artificial intelligence and the human brain, Neuralink implant devices that connect a computer directly to the brain are being studied. Elon Musk believes that diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and Parkinson's can be treated with chips that will be placed inside the human brain. While human trials are expected to begin in the coming months, it is stated that positive results have been obtained from pig experiments. The company, founded by Elon Mu...

Week 13 - A Practical Example: the Story of Linux (Kali vs Parrot OS)

 Linux is the most well-known and widely used open-source operating system. Unlike other operating systems, Linux has an open-source structure. This means that the person using the operating system can be aware of almost everything that goes on in the background of the computer, and can organize and develop the operating system in his own way. Whether you know Linux or not, you've probably used Linux before, albeit unintentionally. Almost a third of websites are run by servers built by Linux. Apart from that, the Linux operating system is generally used by individuals who are familiar with software and many large companies. The reason companies choose Linux when setting up their servers is because it is much more secure than other operating systems. In addition, Linux is a more flexible and comfortable operating system compared to other operating systems. There is also an incredibly large community working to improve Linux. Companies can really get tremendous help from this communi...

Book Review - The Art of Deception

 Known as the first internet hacker in the history of the world and always shown on the FBI's Most Wanted list, "Kevin D. Mitnick" focused on the term "Social Engineering" in his book called "The Art of Deception". The author proves that using social engineering is a good way to reach things in simple ways that seem very difficult, and also shows solutions for counter-defense. Before writing the review, I would like to give a background of the author, Kevin Mitnick. He (also known as Condor) was one of the first computer hackers and is most famously known. He was caught by the FBI on February 15, 1995. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for penetrating the computer networks of companies such as Fujitsu, Motoɾola, Nokia, and Sun Microsystems. The book called “The Art of Deception”, which consists of 4 parts, focused on the weakest link of the chain, the human. In the next two chapters, he talked about the ways to circumvent a company's security r...

Week 12 - The Historical Hackerdom

 In this forum, I will give my opinion on the book that was written by Pekka Himanen, Manual Castells, and Linus Torvalds. They come together to discuss hackers' working style, organization, work ethic, work urge, etc. To start with I will give some information about the writes. PEKKA HIMANEN: In her twenties, he received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Helsinki. His in-depth studies of the meaning of technological development put him in contact with academics, artists, government officials, and corporate executives. LINUS TORVALDS: While a student at the University of Helsinki in 1991, he created the Linux operating system, becoming one of the most respected hackers in the computing community. Since then, Linux has been used by thousands of users around the world.  MANUEL CASTELLS: Professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. The critically acclaimed trilogy The Information Age, The City, and author of more than twenty books. I would like t...

Week 11 - Censorship, Privacy, and the Internet

The origin of the word censorship is thought to come from a state official called "Censor" in ancient Rome. This official was responsible for the censuses, the morale of the citizens, and the control of the state treasury.  Today, this word means prohibition, limitation, and it manifests itself in many areas of life, especially communication.  There is no doubt that it would not be wrong to define the internet as "the greatest source of information today". Until a short time ago, the internet, which seemed like a luxury need in terms of its fee prices, has become a wealth of information that can be accessed by everyone in a very cheap and easy way today. The amount and variety of information shared on the Internet are increasing rapidly. To give a few numeric data on internet usage in the world, the number of internet users in the world exceeds 4.6 billion, there are around 365 million domain names registered, and there are more than 600 million personal blogs. As t...

Week 10 - "The Fool Gets Beaten Even in Internet"

 Who is Kevin Mitnick? Considered one of the first hackers, Kevin David Mitnick, known in the web world as "The Condor" or "The Darkside Hacker", is known as one of the most notorious hackers ever. Mitnick was recorded as the first hacker to be included in the FBI's most-wanted list of cybercrime. He is known for his expertise in many areas from telephone communication systems to bus card systems. One of the most famous hackers of all time, Mitnick currently works as a computer security consultant at his own company, Mitnick Security Consulting, and continues to lecture in many parts of the world.  What is the "Mitnick formula"? In his book, Kevin Mitnick suggests three different aspects to evaluate security - Technology, Training, and Policy.  In the following paragraph, I will analyze and evaluate the current security circumstance in Azerbaijan. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has released the Global Cyber Security Index for 2017. The...