Week 8 - The IT Pro (IT education in Azerbaijan)
In this article, I will talk about the key points in the phase of becoming an IT engineer in Azerbaijan and the main changes in the past 20 years. The students are required to select a path when they are in the ninth grade. There are 4 different study programs that students can choose. Pupils interested in computer sciences study in the first student group where the study focus is mainly on information technologies and mathematics. In the last grade, there is an admission test for universities where the best candidates study in the tuition waiver. At the bachelor's level, a specialist with a wide range of higher education is trained in various areas. The information technologies program has 8 semesters in total.
Graduates can either enroll in master's programs or work in the industry. There are many job opportunities for computer specialists in large-scale organizations. The mid salary for university graduates is 1200 Azerbaijan manats (600 euros). The salary is given according to the experience of the person. These days, companies seek people who have graduated from
abroad universities. The main reason behind this is English proficiency. Speaking English or other languages has benefits in international communication.
The main change between 2020s and 2000s education is the development of computer labs at the universities. In the past, the lack of computers was a problem for practical learning. However, these days the development of cisco networking labs is a huge benefit for learners.
According to my friend who is studying in one of the Azerbaijani universities, the main disadvantage is the ability of professors' English speaking.
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