
Showing posts from March, 2022

Week 9 - IT, Risks and Ergonomics

Ergonomics comes from two Greek words: ergon, meaning work, and nomoi, meaning natural laws.  After reading many articles about the term "ergonomics", I would define it as a proper design of a tool, object, space, or system that increases productivity. It is all about designing for people's needs, and sometimes the term "human factors" can be used interchangeably. It is a collection of natural and technical research and development studies, examining the physical and psychological characteristics of humans. In simple words, It is the science of work. There have been many ergonomics examples throughout the years of technology, some resulted in success, while others were complete failures. In the following paragraph, I will mention two opposing examples from the IT world. ABC layout in keyboards (Bad Ergonomics) American inventor Christopher Latham Sholes invented the typewriter in 1867. That typewriter contained mechanical letter keys and was able to write on pap...

Week 8 - The IT Pro (IT education in Azerbaijan)

 In this article, I will talk about the key points in the phase of becoming an IT engineer in Azerbaijan and the main changes in the past 20 years. The students are required to select a path when they are in the ninth grade. There are 4 different study programs that students can choose. Pupils interested in computer sciences study in the first student group where the study focus is mainly on information technologies and mathematics. In the last grade, there is an admission test for universities where the best candidates study in the tuition waiver. At the bachelor's level, a specialist with a wide range of higher education is trained in various areas. The information technologies program has 8 semesters in total.  Graduates can either enroll in master's programs or work in the industry. There are many job opportunities for computer specialists in large-scale organizations. The mid salary for university graduates is 1200 Azerbaijan manats (600 euros). The salary is given accord...

Week 7 - Tarzan in New York: The Quirks of Online Communication

Respect other people's time and bandwidth The term Netiquette is a translation of the Spanish term netiquette, which in turn is a compound word of manners (French, label) and net (network, internet). The word netiquette was first used in "Netiquette Rules" ("Rules of netiquette"), a set of rules from good behavior created and published in 1995 by the online organization Internet Engineering Task Force, responsible for establishing standards for the proper functioning of the network. While Netiquette rules are not mandatory, its idea is to make the internet a friendly, safe, and reliable place for all users. There are 10 Netiquette rules in total.  1.Remember the human 2.Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life 3.Know where you are in cyberspace 4.Respect other people's time and bandwidth 5.Make yourself look good online 6.Share expert knowledge 7.Help keep flame wars under control 8.Respect other people's privacy 9.Don...

Week 6 - Computers and Laws II: Software and Content Licensing

 The idea behind copyleft is a general methodology of converting a program (or other work) into free software, not by a sense of money but a sense of rights. Copyleft has the opposite meaning of the term Copyright. In legal terms, Copyleft actually means sharing the rights recognized by the concept of Copyright with a contract, one of which is anonymous, instead of a contract between the parties. In this article, I am going to discuss 3 types of Copyleft - strong, weak and, no copyleft. Strong copyleft - Even though it has some restrictions on developers, many people believe it is the best option for end-users. Software that has been made from the original must retain the license of the original work. Weak copyleft - The main difference between weak copyleft and strong one is that weak copyleft allows developers to integrate the software with a proprietary system. It is mainly used in the case where a developer use collections of codes to make one software. No copyleft - This is th...