Week 15 - IT and Ethics (Social Contract Theory - Clean Code)
10 different ethical theories are mentioned by Michael J. Quinn in his Ethics for the Information Age book. In this article, I will provide an IT example of the Social Contract Theory. Social Contract Theory was formulated by Thomas Hobbes, and it is mainly about the set of rules that makes sense for everyone. An example would be driving in the right line for avoiding crashes. I will implement this theory in Information Technologies. The more complex and long the written codes are, the more it reduces the productivity of programmers. Complex programs emerge when teams and individuals work in groups. While the people in the project are familiar with the project details, the people who will be involved in the project after the field are unaware of the code structure of the project. The person involved later must read and fully understand the logic behind the code in order to benefit the project. At this point, writing clean code comes into play. You can easily understand the l...