Week 1 - From ENIAC to iPad: Moments from IT History
"Three interesting examples of IT solutions from three different decades" From the start of the 19th century, there have been many IT inventions. Every IT invention has either a positive or negative effect on people's life. First Dot Matrix Printer (1957) - First of all, the use case of dot matrix printers is that they can be used to print multiple copies simultaneously. This feature is essential in some business places like banks to provide security between clients and the bank. However, dot matrix printers are generally outdated in the modern world, because, they are unable to print in high-quality, and they usually cost more than the usual (inkjet, laser) printers. IBM introduced its first dot matrix printer in the year 1957 (also the same year when IBM reaches $1 billion in revenue). Fritz Karl Preikschat was the one who marketed this printer. To illustrate how expensive they were - the DEC LA36 dot matrix printer was sold for $1,600 per unit in 1978 which equals a...